Wednesday, September 1, 2010

First Official Day of Preschool

Ben had his first official day of preschool on August 30, 2010. He was so great. When we arrived, he was happy to see his teachers and friends. So happy, in fact, that he almost forgot to give me a kiss goodbye! I really missed the little guy for the two and a half hours he was at school, but I know he's going to really enjoy it. When I picked him up, he and his class were lined up at the door waiting for their moms and dads. He looked absolutely adorable! His teacher said he did really well and he even asked to go potty (I've been losing sleep over that). I asked him what he did at school but apparently it is top secret. He even told me to stop asking. He did share that he played with friends on the playground. I'm so happy he likes school but can't wait for summer vacation - only 9 short months to go until I get him back full time!! Oh, and I don't know why he insisted on making a beaver face in this picture - gets that from his dad.

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