Thursday, May 26, 2011

Last day of the first year of preschool

Today was Ben's last day of preschool, well, sort of. He has a class picnic on Tuesday but this was the last day he will go to his school until next fall. I can't believe how much he has developed in just nine short months. He can write all the letters in the alphabet, spell a few words, learned a lot about religion and has gotten even cuter! It's been fun watching the friendships with his classmates grow. He still hasn't explored eating new foods, which his teacher was quick to point out. But, he's getting there. He has become so much more independent, when he wants to be, of course. I took his picture in the front yard before we left this morning. For some reason, all I could get out of him was this snarl smile. But, I still think he's the cutest person ever - snarls and all. Here's to a fun summer with my wonderful little guy!

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