Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Words according to Ben...

If Ben were your 60 year old uncle, you'd roll your eyes and be embarassed by the things he says. But, since he's a super cute four year old, every goofy thing that comes out of his mouth is the most hysterical thing ever! Here are a few of his favorite words/phrases.

Double Bogey - while this is a golf term, Ben uses it for a catch all for just about anything. For example, when told to do something he doesn't want to do, he will often respond with double bogey. When describing something he likes or doesn't like, that too is expressed with the words double bogey. Sometimes I am even referred to as a double bogey.

That's ______errific! Ben will insert any word in here to describe something. For example, if I'm making eggs, he will say they are eggerrific. Daphne is dogerrific. You get the idea.

Tarnations - I'm not even sure where he learned this word, but he uses it quite often. It is usually used to describe frustration. For example, if Ben isn't doing well at a game, he will call out Tarnations.

Ben is also the king of corny jokes. We recently ate at a Japanese restaurant. When the chef cracked open an egg, Ben announced to the entire table, "that cracks me up!" Again, if he were your 60 year old uncle, you'd be mortified by this behavior.

I just love this little guy - he's so funny!!!

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