Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Catching Up!

2012 has gotten off to a busy start! I know I've said this before, but I really will start updating my blog on a regular basis. Maybe I need to set an alarm or something to remind me. It's just so hard because Ben entertains me 24/7! I couldn't possibly capture every single thing he does but I'll try.

Ben is really into Angry Birds (in case anyone is reading this 5 years from now, AB was a video game made popular by the Iphone). Anyway, in addition to playing it on my phone, he has been asking for the real life Angry Birds game. Here is a note he wrote to remind me to go to Target and buy it for him.

Super Metro
Ben was looking very "D.C." in my glasses. He always manages to crack me up!

I know a watched pot never boils....but does a watched cookie bake?

When it comes to finishing projects....well, I'm as good at that as I am at updating my blog. However, I'm delighted to say that I finally finished the panda blanket I made for Ben. I'm even more delighted to report that he loves it!!!

"I'm not tired". I hear that a lot from Ben. These pictures would disagree with him.

We are decked out! After living here for over a year, we have added a deck to the back of our house. It's so nice to finally be able to walk out the morning room door and enjoy our beautiful waterfront/mountain views! Ben was anxiously watching as the construction workers built the deck. Daphne was a little less interested. In fact, it took her 25 minutes to even realize they were out there. Here's to a fun summer on our new deck!

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