Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Opening day of T-ball

Last night was Ben's first t-ball practice. He played for the YMCA last year but this year he has moved up to the big leagues. He's playing for the National Little League. Sounds impressive, doesn't it? The coach introduced himself and the assistant coach, who happens to be the coaches dad. They seem like nice guys and were really good with the kids. During a momentary lapse of sanity, I volunteered to be the team mom. Yikes! Those poor kids. Apparently this very important role is more of a glorified babysitter. I have to make sure the kids stand in line and wait their turn during the games. I also get to collect any forms the parents fill out. Whew! Good thing I went to college. Ben did really well at practice. He was delighted that dad was able to cut out of work early and join us at the field. Dad had a good time too, standing in the field and helping to direct the kiddos. Here's to a fun t-ball season with my two favorite guys!!!

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