Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Flying By!

This summer if flying by!! Can you believe tomorrow is the 4th of July? I'm starting to sound like Dr. Seuss. Ben finished his second year of preschool. He had a great year and really developed into a wonderful little "school aged" kid. Yikes! The kiddos played the bells one last time at the chapel service and even wore red choir robes. It was absolutely adorable! The year ended with a super fun picnic with his class at a local park. As an added bonus, he slid down the pole at the playground. Ben is not much of a dare devil so this was a huge accomplishment for him.
Last day of school!
The infamous Beaver Face!
Ben and his buddy Brayden!
Little League wrapped up the middle of June. We went to a league picnic where Ben scored a trophy. He and dad were both beaming with pride! Now that our activies are over, I've been trying to find ways to entertain Ben. We've been hitting the pool at Beaver Creek quite a bit and having lots of playdates with friends! It's been a really fun summer so far and we're having a blast!
Sporting some cool goggles at the pool!

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