Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Oglebay Resort

We haven't taken too many road trips lately but Aunt Monster was having major Ben withdrawal so we packed up and headed to the Oglebay Resort in WV to meet her and Cronster. Ben was greeted by Aunt Monster, one of his biggest fans, with open arms and lots of presents. We booked a standard room and quickly realized it wasn't up to par for someone as cute as Ben. So, I gave Cronster a lesson on how to get an upgraded room. When we arrived in our new, luxury room, Ben declared "good Lord". It was like having an old lady with us! We were much happier in our new room and there was much more room for Ben to be attacked by Aunt Monster. We hung out at both the indoor and outdoor pools, went to the zoo and had lots of fun just being together. Cronster and I ditched Ben and Aunt Monster and went for a massage, which was absolutely heavenly. Ben was worn out on the way home and took a few days to recover. It was a fun trip!

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