Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Where to start....

Dear Blog - so sorry I haven't udpdated you in over a month. We've been pretty busy. We moved into our new house on December 6th and are loving it. Aunt Monster came out to help entertain Ben while we got settled. Ben had his birthday party on December 11th. It was a train theme (of course) and he had a blast. He had ten of his little friends here. We made a picture frame for them to take home. Christmas came and I was really sick. I was in bed for a few days with a nasty cold. Fortunately, regular grandma and grandma Shirley were in town to help entertain Ben. We went to the Christmas Eve service at church. Ben and his classmates played the bells and sang some songs. It was so cute! After the new year we (well mostly me) decided to get a dog. We adopted a sweet little pooch from a local shelter. She is about 9 months old. She's black with a white tummy and white feet. She is settling in quite well with us. Ben really likes her and is doing a great job helping me to take care of her. The shelter named her Daphne but we're not sure if we're keeping that name. Today is a snowday so Ben doesn't have school. He was pretty disappointed when I told him this morning. Ten years from now he'll be cheering for a snowday!

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