Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Easter Bunny strikes...

Easter came late this year, which meant beautiful, warm weather! We spent Easter here in Maryland. Ben's preschool played a part in the Easter service at church. Ben was super cute, as usual.

The night before the arrival of the bunny, we colored eggs. Even Daphne got in on the action.

On Easter morning, Ben awoke to a trail of eggs outside of his door. The trail led him through the hallway, down the steps and through the living room, dining room and kitchen, finally ending in the family room. He was overjoyed to discover the bunny left him a Super Why game (which we have played a million times already) a chocolate bunny and a few Reese eggs. Great score!

After a chocolate breakfast, Dad and I put Ben in his Sunday best. Or at least a cute pair of khaki pants, white polo and light blue sweater vest, and headed to church. Once we arrived at church, Ben had the chance to paricipate in an Easter egg hunt. Fun!!! After the hunt, Ben and his class sat patiently through the Easter service and played the bells for the congregation. We didn't do much after chuch, which was kind of nice. Maybe next year I'll make a ham or something!

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