Monday, May 9, 2011

I didn't get a kiss.....sniff, sniff, sob!

Today started with a display of super saddness, followed by big raindrop tears. Ben's morning routine is to get out of bed, stumble down the steps and re-rack on the couch. He's not exactly a morning person. This morning was no different. As he was still waking up on the couch, dad left for work. Meanwhile, I was trying to convince Daphne that she hadn't gone to the bathroom in about 10 hours and it would be best if she did so - outside! Just as I waved good-bye to Dave in the driveway, Ben declared, or should I say bellowed, "I didn't get a kiss". He was referring to his morning kiss from dad. I, in my pink bathrobe and bare feet, scooped him up and went running outside to try to stop dad so Ben could get his goodbye kiss. I'm not sure if Dave was in a daze or what, but he somehow missed my big, pink, furry self chasing the car, preschooler in hand, down the street. Did I mention my bare feet? So much for the deep moisturizing treatment I gave them last night. As we watched the car drive down the street, Ben's lower lip emerged and huge raindrop tears began falling down his cute little face. I asked if I could give him five kisses to make up for it, but he only wanted one kiss and that was from daddy. After about ten minutes of snuggling on the couch with him, he decided it would be okay to get two kisses tomorrow morning. He's such a sweet, sensitive little guy....

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