Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mommy's Day!!

Today is one of my favorite days. It's the day I get to celebrate the best job I've ever had - being Ben's mommy. My sweet guys let me sleep in this morning. I didn't even hear either one of them get up. I finally launched myself out of bed around 9am this morning. I went downstairs and discovered some very precious items on the kitchen counter, but my sweet little monster and his dad were nowhere to be found. I roamed outside in my pajamas (so glad we don't have neighbors yet) and found the two of them playing t-ball in the front yard. Ben came running to me, yelling "Happy Mother's Day". It was a great way to start the day. Ben took me inside and gave me my goods. I received a card and butterfly he made at preschool and another card that Ben and dad made for me. It had a freshly picked flower in it - I loved it! Later in the day we went to brunch with our friends the Baileys. After stuffing ourselves we came home and took Daphne for a stroll around the neighborhood. My wonderful day ended by reading a Thomas book to Ben while we snuggled in his super comfy bed. His final words he uttered before dozing off were, "Mommy, will you sing to me?". What a great job I have....

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