Friday, July 29, 2011

All expenses paid guilt trip!

Yesterday Ben was being a bit of a bear. He's been out of sorts all week because his dad is out of town. Plus, he was exhausted from spending three hours at Pump-It-Up. Needless to say, any little thing could set him off, and it did. We made dinosaur cookies. He ate one as soon as it came out of the oven and demanded another shortly after. I told him he needed to wait until after dinner, but Ben had other plans. After about ten minutes of pleading, crying, threatening and all the other things preschoolers do in attempt to get their way, I had no choice but to sequester him to his room. He was up there for quite a while, which was fine with me. After about half an hour, I went up to check on him. He greeted me at his door, proud smile on his cute face and presented me with a picture he drew for me while he was up there. I instantly felt horrible for sending him to his room. This kid sure knows how to play me - geez!

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