Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Registration

This past Monday I registered Ben for kindergarten. I have been driving myself and everyone else crazy for months as I debated public versus private school. The public school is new, bright and not even five minutes from our house. The private school has a lot of tradition, great reputation and gave us a real sense of community. But, in the end, the public school won. There were several things that beat out the private school but what really made the decision easy is the principal has an English Bulldog. She had me at "woof". Okay, not really. She does have an English Bulldog but the decision was based on where I think Ben will thrive and have the best experience. The chance to dognap the bulldog was just an added bonus. Once my decision was made, I had images in my mind of what the day of registration would be like. I pictured a long line of parents, waiting to register their little cherubs. My biggest fear was being stuck in line next to someone that would make me question my decision. I thought Ben would be clenching onto my apron strings, or in this case my super stylish scarf. I thought I'd chicken out at the last minute. It was none of those things. I walked right in, sat at a table with one other mom (fortunately, she had a personality and we made small talk) and filled out some papers while Ben played on my Iphone. The secretary made copies of Ben's documents we needed to bring, gave him a goodie bag full of cute stuff and we were on our way. That was it. I hope the rest of his academic career is this uneventful. But, even if we hit a few bumps along the way, he's the greatest guy ever and I know we'll be able to handle any bumps that come our way. Speaking of bumps, be sure to read the next post.

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