Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

Today we celebrated Easter. Ben's preschool class was supposed to play the bells at the Easter service, but they weren't able to get enough kids so it was cancelled. Ben was a little disappointed so the Easter Bunny made sure to leave some extra treats for him this morning. Last night we told Ben he needed to be in bed by 8pm. We told him if the the Easter Bunny showed up while we were still awake, he might be too scared to come in our house. I have never seen him get his pajamas on so quickly before. It's amazing how fast he can move with the right motivation. The Easter Bunny, just like Santa and his reindeer, trashed our house! The big bunny tracked Easter grass and eggs from the front door, up to Ben's room, back down the steps, through the living room, dining room and kitchen. His trail of destruction finally ended in the family room where he left Ben's Easter basket. Ben was overjoyed to score a big chocolate bunny, Reese eggs, a panda book, monster truck and rocket balloons. We spent most of the morning playing with the rocket balloons. We finally stopped when Dad offered us $100 to play with something else. We had a great day and are planning to take a trip to Ohio tomorrow! Ben getting ready to color eggs!
Easter Basket!

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