Thursday, April 26, 2012

Little League Opening Day

The opening day for Little League was April 14, 2012. What a day! We had to be at the field at 9am. All of the teams were called out onto the field. Ben was so excited to run out when they called his name. His team is called the Elks. Sounds fierce, doesn't it? His colors are purple and grey. He was sure to point out to me that the purple is "boy" purple. He's such a guy. After all of the opening ceremonies were over, his team played a game. Of course they don't keep score, but Ben wanted to know who won. We told him it didn't matter and what's important is he's a good listener and nice team mate. I don't think he bought it but oh well. I agreed to be the Team Mom so this should be an interesting, and hopefully short, season! Play Ball!
Strategizing with a team mate
Great stance!

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