Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Oglebay Resort

We haven't taken too many road trips lately but Aunt Monster was having major Ben withdrawal so we packed up and headed to the Oglebay Resort in WV to meet her and Cronster. Ben was greeted by Aunt Monster, one of his biggest fans, with open arms and lots of presents. We booked a standard room and quickly realized it wasn't up to par for someone as cute as Ben. So, I gave Cronster a lesson on how to get an upgraded room. When we arrived in our new, luxury room, Ben declared "good Lord". It was like having an old lady with us! We were much happier in our new room and there was much more room for Ben to be attacked by Aunt Monster. We hung out at both the indoor and outdoor pools, went to the zoo and had lots of fun just being together. Cronster and I ditched Ben and Aunt Monster and went for a massage, which was absolutely heavenly. Ben was worn out on the way home and took a few days to recover. It was a fun trip!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Beyond cute!

Ben is just beyond cute. Enough said.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Flying By!

This summer if flying by!! Can you believe tomorrow is the 4th of July? I'm starting to sound like Dr. Seuss. Ben finished his second year of preschool. He had a great year and really developed into a wonderful little "school aged" kid. Yikes! The kiddos played the bells one last time at the chapel service and even wore red choir robes. It was absolutely adorable! The year ended with a super fun picnic with his class at a local park. As an added bonus, he slid down the pole at the playground. Ben is not much of a dare devil so this was a huge accomplishment for him.
Last day of school!
The infamous Beaver Face!
Ben and his buddy Brayden!
Little League wrapped up the middle of June. We went to a league picnic where Ben scored a trophy. He and dad were both beaming with pride! Now that our activies are over, I've been trying to find ways to entertain Ben. We've been hitting the pool at Beaver Creek quite a bit and having lots of playdates with friends! It's been a really fun summer so far and we're having a blast!
Sporting some cool goggles at the pool!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Major Minor Leagueing!

I don't know if "leagueing" is really a word...but Ben has been hitting a few minor league baseball games. We had National Little League night at the Hagerstown Suns game. Ben and his team, the Elks, walked in a parade on the field. It was a lot of fun for the kiddos.
We also took Ben to a Frederick Keys game where he and dad caught a foul ball. Good times!!!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Zzzzzzzzzzzzz....cut short!

Yesterday we celebrated Mothers Day. One of my most favorite days! Not because I get gifts and lots of attention (although that helps!). It's the day I am reminded I have the best job in the whole wide world! I love being Ben's mom! My job is fun, challenging, rewarding and by far, the most important job I've ever had. It's an ever changing position that keeps me on my toes. However, on Mothers Day, I was told I could stay off of my toes and sleep in. Well, sort of. As I was in a deep sleep, my slumber was interupted by a super cute guy jumping on my bed and screaming at the top of his lungs, "Happy Mothers Day!". The reason for this super loud greeting? Apparently, I was in such a deep sleep that a simple "Happy Mothers Day" didn't quite awaken me. Either way, I can't think of a better way to start my day!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

My Technology Guru

My new iPad arrived! Or should I say, Ben's new iPad. Once he was done helping me configure it, he basically took it over. I guess it's only fair since he knows more about it than me. Yikes! Actually, I downloaded some really cool learning apps that the local school district recommended. Of course, he's more interested in ruling the world of Angry Birds. Sigh....

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Community Service

Today Ben and his preschool class went to a local retirement home to play the bells and sing songs for the residents. It was super cute. I went with the intention of adopting a grandpa for Ben. Unfortunately, the only grandpa who attended the "show" managed to fall asleep during the noisy bell ringing and singing. He's probably not a good fit for for us. The residents, who managed to stay awake, thoroughly enjoyed the show. I told Ben I was so proud that he made them happy.