Friday, September 17, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me!

Today is my birthday. Ben and I celebrated by visiting the Baltimore zoo. We had lots of fun but I think it was a bit much for the little guy. As we were roaming around, enjoying the creatures, Ben announced he was tired and that I needed to carry him. He is almost 40 lbs. and the zoo is quite hilly! Needless to say, I am completely sore but it was worth it to get to spend my birthday with my sweet little guy at one of my most favorite places!

As far as the rest of my birthday weekend, I'm not sure what we will be doing. Ben told me he was getting me a Thomas the Train/Snoopy cake and "lots of Thomas engines". I'll settle for a hug and kiss instead!

I've always loved my birthday but the last 4 birthdays have been the greatest because I've spent them with Ben. I'm a little sad that Chops isn't here to give me licks and sniffs but I did have 10 great birthdays with her.

Off to enjoy the rest of my birthday weekend...aching back and all!

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