Wednesday, June 15, 2011

T-Ball season comes to an end...

Ben did such a great job playing t-ball this spring. He really made progress over the season. At the last game, he received a trophy. He was so excited! We went to the Green Turtle after the game to celebrate. He asked if he could bring the trohpy in with him and we said sure. He showed it to anyone and everyone he could. It was so cute! After the Green Turtle, we headed to Lowe's. He asked if the trophy could tag along but we decided it would be best to leave it in the car. So, in the trophy's absence, he made sure to tell everyone he encountered that he was just awarded a trophy at his t-ball game. Again, so cute!

Keeping with the baseball theme, we went to a Hagerstown Suns game later that evening. Ben had a blast! He wore his uniform. I'm not sure if he thought he would get called up to play or what.

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